: PmtInBox Opticks vs G4 History comparisons

Loads test events from Opticks and Geant4 and compares their bounce histories.

Create the events by running tpmt- bash functions.

The convention is adopted of using positive tags for Opticks and negative ones of the same magnitude for the corresponding Geant4 simulated event.

See Also debugging notes
simulation debugging notes to acheive Opticks Geant4 match : PmtInBox Opticks vs Geant4 distributions
comparison of distributions

Expected Output

The expected output from the test is shown below. History step abbreviation:

  • TO torch step
  • BT boundary transmit
  • BR boundary reflect
  • SA surface absorb
  • SD surface detect
  • AB bulk absorb
  • SC bulk scatter

Material abbreviations:

  • MO Mineral Oil
  • Py Pyrex
  • Vm Vacuum
  • OV Opaque Vacuum
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Python 2.7.11 (default, Dec  5 2015, 23:51:51)
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IPython profile: g4opticks

In [1]: run
 1.175 100.000
 0.377 100.002
                      4:PmtInBox   -4:PmtInBox           c2
                 8cd         67948        68252             0.68  [3 ] TO BT SA
                 7cd         21648        21369             1.81  [3 ] TO BT SD
                8ccd          4581         4539             0.19  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
                  4d          3794         3864             0.64  [2 ] TO AB
                 86d           640          617             0.42  [3 ] TO SC SA
                 4cd           444          427             0.33  [3 ] TO BT AB
                4ccd           350          362             0.20  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
                 8bd           283          259             1.06  [3 ] TO BR SA
                8c6d            81           84             0.05  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
               86ccd            51           57             0.33  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
              8cbbcd            36           53             3.25  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA
                 46d            40           30             1.43  [3 ] TO SC AB
                7c6d            20           28             1.33  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
                 4bd            28           21             1.00  [3 ] TO BR AB
            8cbc6ccd             9            3             0.00  [8 ] TO BT BT SC BT BR BT SA
                866d             8            4             0.00  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
               8cc6d             7            7             0.00  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
                86bd             6            4             0.00  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
                8b6d             3            6             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
          cbccbbbbcd             4            0             0.00  [10] TO BT BR BR BR BR BT BT BR BT
                          100000       100000         0.91
                      4:PmtInBox   -4:PmtInBox           c2
                 ee4         90040        90048             0.00  [3 ] MO Py Py
                44e4          4931         4901             0.09  [4 ] MO Py MO MO
                  44          3794         3864             0.64  [2 ] MO MO
                 444           991          927             2.14  [3 ] MO MO MO
                ee44           101          113             0.67  [4 ] MO MO Py Py
               444e4            52           58             0.33  [5 ] MO Py MO MO MO
              44eee4            40           54             2.09  [6 ] MO Py Py Py MO MO
                4444            17           14             0.29  [4 ] MO MO MO MO
               44e44             8            7             0.00  [5 ] MO MO Py MO MO
            44ee44e4             6            3             0.00  [8 ] MO Py MO MO Py Py MO MO
            444e44e4             5            0             0.00  [8 ] MO Py MO MO Py MO MO MO
          44e4eeeee4             4            0             0.00  [10] MO Py Py Py Py Py MO Py MO MO
              ee44e4             0            4             0.00  [6 ] MO Py MO MO Py Py
               ee444             2            0             0.00  [5 ] MO MO MO Py Py
          44edbe44e4             2            0             0.00  [10] MO Py MO MO Py OV Vm Py MO MO
              4444e4             0            2             0.00  [6 ] MO Py MO MO MO MO
          4ebdbe44e4             0            1             0.00  [10] MO Py MO MO Py OV Vm OV Py MO
          4e5dbe44e4             0            1             0.00  [10] MO Py MO MO Py OV Vm Bk Py MO
          eebdbe44e4             1            0             0.00  [10] MO Py MO MO Py OV Vm OV Py Py
             44ee444             1            0             0.00  [7 ] MO MO MO Py Py MO MO
                          100000       100000         0.78