debugging notes


  • source issue in cfg4 (b), allmost all photons doing same thing, fixed by handling discLinear

  • different G4 geometry, photon interaction positions in the interop visualization show that primitives are there, but Z offsets not positioned correctly so the boolean processing produces a more complicated geometry

    • modify cfg4-/Detector to make just the Pyrex for simplification
  • after first order fixing G4 geometry to look OK, still very different sequence histories because are missing surface/SD handling that leads to great simplification for Opticks as most photons are absorbed/detected on the photocathode

  • suspect the DYB detdesc G4 positioning of the photocathode inside the vacuum with coincident surfaces will lead to comparison problems, as this “feature” was fixed for the surface-based translation

    May need to compare against a correspondingly “fixed” G4 geometry

  • examining the sensdet/hit handling in LXe example observe that its essentially a manual thing for optical photons, so the overhead of sensdet and hits is not useful for cfg4 purposes. Instead just need to modify cfg4-/RecordStep to return done=true on walking onto the photocathode : but need to identify, and need the EFFICIENCY ?

    • hmm what happened to to the EFFICIENCY ? transmogrified to GSurfaceLib “detect” property that gets copied across to GPU texture


438             if(hasVectorProperty(mat, EFFICIENCY ))
439             {
440                 assert(gg->getCathode() == NULL && "only expecting one material with an EFFICIENCY property" );
441                 gg->setCathode(gmat) ;
442                 m_cathode = mat ;
443             }
466 void AssimpGGeo::convertSensors(GGeo* gg)
467 {
468 /*
469 Opticks is a surface based simulation, as opposed to
470 Geant4 which is CSG volume based. In Geant4 hits are formed
471 on stepping into volumes with associated SensDet.
472 The Opticks equivalent is intersecting with a "SensorSurface",
473 which are fabricated by AssimpGGeo::convertSensors.
474 */
475     convertSensors( gg, m_tree->getRoot(), 0);
[2016-Feb-25 13:15:57.521542]:info: Detector::convertMaterial   name Pyrex materialIndex 13
[2016-Feb-25 13:15:57.523946]:info: Detector::convertMaterial   name Vacuum materialIndex 12
[2016-Feb-25 13:15:57.526100]:info: Detector::convertMaterial   name Bialkali materialIndex 4
[2016-Feb-25 13:15:57.527616]:info: Detector::convertMaterial   name OpaqueVacuum materialIndex 10
[2016-Feb-25 13:15:57.528817]:info: Detector::convertMaterial   name OpaqueVacuum materialIndex 10

simon:GMaterialLib blyth$ cat order.json

    "MineralOil": "4",
    "Bialkali": "5",
    "OpaqueVacuum": "11",
    "Vacuum": "13",
    "Pyrex": "14",

G4 Efficiency

Where does the random check against EFFICIENCY as function of wavelength happen for G4 ? Need to get G4 to decide between absorb/detect and return status ?

  • answer: G4OpBoundaryProcess::DoAbsorption
  • but it seems that will never be called without an optical surface to set the EFFICIENCY to allow DoAbsorption to get called
simon:geant4.10.02 blyth$ find source -name '*.cc' -exec grep -H EFFICIENCY {} \;
source/global/HEPNumerics/src/   out << std::setw(20) << "EFFICIENCY = " << std::setw(13)  << efficiency << G4endl;
source/processes/optical/src/              aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("EFFICIENCY");
simon:geant4.10.02 blyth$

165 G4VParticleChange*
166 G4OpBoundaryProcess::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& aTrack, const G4Step& aStep)
167 {

387               PropertyPointer =
388               aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetProperty("EFFICIENCY");
389               if (PropertyPointer) {
390                       theEfficiency =
391                       PropertyPointer->Value(thePhotonMomentum);
392               }

306 inline
307 void G4OpBoundaryProcess::DoAbsorption()
308 {
309               theStatus = Absorption;
311               if ( G4BooleanRand(theEfficiency) ) {
313                  // EnergyDeposited =/= 0 means: photon has been detected
314                  theStatus = Detection;
315                  aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(thePhotonMomentum);
316               }
317               else {
318                  aParticleChange.ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit(0.0);
319               }
321               NewMomentum = OldMomentum;
322               NewPolarization = OldPolarization;
324 //              aParticleChange.ProposeEnergy(0.0);
325               aParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
326 }

suspect g4dae export is missing some optical surfaces

Huh DDDB/PMT/properties.xml appears to set EFFICIENCY and REFLECIVITY to zero for PMT border surfaces


01 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
 2 <!DOCTYPE DDDB SYSTEM "../DTD/geometry.dtd">
 4 <DDDB>
 6   <catalog name="PmtSurfaces">
 7     <surfaceref href="#PmtGlassPhoCatSurface"/>
 8     <surfaceref href="#PmtGlassVacuumSurface"/>
 9   </catalog>
11   <catalog name="PmtSurfaceTabProperty">
12     <tabpropertyref href="#PmtGlassPhoCatReflectivity"/>
13     <tabpropertyref href="#PmtGlassPhoCatEfficiency"/>
14     <tabpropertyref href="#PmtGlassVacuumReflectivity"/>
15     <tabpropertyref href="#PmtGlassVacuumEfficiency"/>
16   </catalog>
18   <!-- Surfaces -->
20   <surface name="PmtGlassPhoCatSurface"
21        model="glisur"
22        finish="polished"
23        type="dielectric_dielectric"
24        value="0"
25        volfirst="/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiGlass"
26        volsecond="/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiCathode">
//   name lvPmtHemiGlass looks wrong would expect /dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemi
//   also the lvPmtHemiCathode is child of the lvPmtHemiVacuum ??
27     <tabprops address="/dd/Geometry/PMT/PmtSurfaceTabProperty/PmtGlassPhoCatReflectivity"/>
28     <tabprops address="/dd/Geometry/PMT/PmtSurfaceTabProperty/PmtGlassPhoCatEfficiency"/>
29   </surface>
31   <surface name="PmtGlassVacuumSurface"
32        model="glishur"
//    typo but glisur is default anyhow
33        finish="polished"
34        type="dielectric_dielectric"
35        value="0"
36        volfirst="/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiGlass"
37        volsecond="/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiVacuum">
//   again name lvPmtHemiGlass looks wrong, would expect /dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemi
//   border surfaces work
38     <tabprops address="/dd/Geometry/PMT/PmtSurfaceTabProperty/PmtGlassVacuumReflectivity"/>
39     <tabprops address="/dd/Geometry/PMT/PmtSurfaceTabProperty/PmtGlassVacuumEfficiency"/>
40   </surface>
42   <!-- Tabled properties -->
44   <tabproperty name="PmtGlassPhoCatReflectivity"
45            type="REFLECTIVITY"
46            xunit="eV"
47            xaxis="PhotonEnergy"
48            yaxis="Reflectivity">
49     1.0  0.0
50     2.0  0.0
51     3.0  0.0
52     4.0  0.0
53     5.0  0.0

The above looks to be outdated, this one is better

  • /usr/local/env/dyb/NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Detector/XmlDetDesc/DDDB/PmtPanel/properties.xml
simon:npy blyth$ diff /usr/local/env/dyb/NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Detector/XmlDetDesc/DDDB/PMT/properties.xml /usr/local/env/dyb/NuWa-trunk/dybgaudi/Detector/XmlDetDesc/DDDB/PmtPanel/properties.xml
<      volfirst="/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiGlass"
>      volfirst="/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemi"
<      volfirst="/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemiGlass"
>      volfirst="/dd/Geometry/PMT/lvPmtHemi"
simon:npy blyth$

With theReflectivity and theTransmittance set to zero via the logical border surface the DoAbsorption will always get called on the photocathode boundary:

483         else if (type == dielectric_dielectric) {
485           if ( theFinish == polishedbackpainted ||
486                theFinish == groundbackpainted ) {
487              DielectricDielectric();
488           }
489           else {
490              G4double rand = G4UniformRand();
491              if ( rand > theReflectivity ) {
492                 if (rand > theReflectivity + theTransmittance) {
493                    DoAbsorption();
494                 } else {
495                    theStatus = Transmission;
496                    NewMomentum = OldMomentum;
497                    NewPolarization = OldPolarization;
498                 }
499              }

names for breakpointing

simon:env blyth$ nm /usr/local/env/g4/geant4.10.02.install/lib/libG4processes.dylib | c++filt | grep G4OpBoundaryProcess
0000000001390d00 unsigned short G4OpBoundaryProcess::DoAbsorption()
0000000001390de0 unsigned short G4OpBoundaryProcess::DoReflection()
0000000001391b70 unsigned short G4OpBoundaryProcess::IsApplicable(G4ParticleDefinition const&)
0000000001386f40 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::PostStepDoIt(G4Track const&, G4Step const&)
000000000138afe0 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::DielectricLUT()
000000000138a4a0 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::DielectricMetal()
000000000138ee20 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::GetMeanFreePath(G4Track const&, double, G4ForceCondition*)
000000000138eef0 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::GetReflectivity(double, double, double, double, double)
0000000001391430 unsigned short G4OpBoundaryProcess::ChooseReflection()
000000000138ee50 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::GetIncidentAngle()
000000000138b920 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::DielectricDichroic()
000000000138c560 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::DielectricDielectric()
0000000001389ec0 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::CalculateReflectivity()
000000000138e470 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::InvokeSD(G4Step const*)
0000000001386e20 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::G4OpBoundaryProcess(G4String const&, G4ProcessType)
0000000001386a70 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::G4OpBoundaryProcess(G4String const&, G4ProcessType)
0000000001386f10 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::~G4OpBoundaryProcess()
0000000001386ef0 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::~G4OpBoundaryProcess()
0000000001386e50 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::~G4OpBoundaryProcess()
00000000013913f0 unsigned short G4OpBoundaryProcess::G4BooleanRand(double) const
000000000138e590 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::GetFacetNormal(CLHEP::Hep3Vector const&, CLHEP::Hep3Vector const&) const
0000000001389200 T G4OpBoundaryProcess::BoundaryProcessVerbose() const
000000000191a720 S typeinfo for G4OpBoundaryProcess
00000000017ba0c0 S typeinfo name for G4OpBoundaryProcess
000000000191a650 S vtable for G4OpBoundaryProcess
simon:env blyth$
simon:env blyth$ ggv-;ggv-pmt-test --cfg4 --dbg

(lldb) b "G4OpBoundaryProcess::PostStepDoIt(G4Track const&, G4Step const&)"
Breakpoint 1: no locations (pending).
WARNING:  Unable to resolve breakpoint to any actual locations.
(lldb) r
(lldb) expr verboseLevel = 1
(lldb) b "G4OpBoundaryProcess::DielectricDielectric()"
  • a Opticks
  • b CFG4

After kludge photocathode are getting closer to the ballpark

In [18]: a.history_table()
Evt(1,"torch","PmtInBox","", seqs="[]")
                 8cd       351558       [3 ] TO BT SA
                 7cd       111189       [3 ] TO BT SD
                  4d        18047       [2 ] TO AB
                8ccd        11661       [4 ] TO BT BT SA
                 86d         3040       [3 ] TO SC SA
                 4cd         1736       [3 ] TO BT AB
                4ccd          884       [4 ] TO BT BT AB
                 8bd          742       [3 ] TO BR SA
                8c6d          394       [4 ] TO SC BT SA
                 46d          187       [3 ] TO SC AB
               86ccd          140       [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
                7c6d          103       [4 ] TO SC BT SD
                 4bd           63       [3 ] TO BR AB
           8cccccbcd           54       [9 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT BT SA
                866d           33       [4 ] TO SC SC SA

In [19]: b.history_table()
Evt(-1,"torch","PmtInBox","", seqs="[]")
                 8cd       337740       [3 ] TO BT SA
                 7cd       106833       [3 ] TO BT SD

                8ccd        23119       [4 ] TO BT BT SA   << CFG4 (vs 11661 for Opticks) : edge scims MO Py MO MO

                  4d        19117       [2 ] TO AB
                 86d         3199       [3 ] TO SC SA
                 4cd         2174       [3 ] TO BT AB
            8ccccbcd         1999       [8 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT SA

                4ccd         1693       [4 ] TO BT BT AB    << CFG4 (vs 884 for Opticks) ... scimmers again
                 8bd         1267       [3 ] TO BR SA       << CFG4 (vs 742 for Opticks) ???

          ccccbccbcd          641       [10] TO BT BR BT BT BR BT BT BT BT
          cbccbccbcd          458       [10] TO BT BR BT BT BR BT BT BR BT
                8c6d          405       [4 ] TO SC BT SA
               86ccd          285       [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
              8cbbcd          198       [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA
                 46d          179       [3 ] TO SC AB
            4ccccbcd          136       [8 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT AB
                7c6d          115       [4 ] TO SC BT SD

Detection to absorb fraction matches efficiency fed in for 380nm:




ggv --surf 6    shows
380                0.24                0.76

Agreement when avoid edges (reduce beam radius 100mm to 50mm)

In [1]: run

                  1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
             8cd       363294       363027             0.10  [3 ] TO BT SA
             7cd       114962       114826             0.08  [3 ] TO BT SD
              4d        16924        17342             5.10  [2 ] TO AB
             86d         2798         2821             0.09  [3 ] TO SC SA
             4cd         1238         1198             0.66  [3 ] TO BT AB
            8c6d          381          385             0.02  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
             46d          181          164             0.84  [3 ] TO SC AB
            7c6d          110          111             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
             8bd           38           29             1.21  [3 ] TO BR SA
            866d           32           34             0.06  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
           8cc6d           28           24             0.31  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
            8b6d            3           22             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
            466d            0            4             0.00  [4 ] TO SC SC AB
            4c6d            4            2             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BT AB
           8c66d            3            3             0.00  [5 ] TO SC SC BT SA
          8cbc6d            1            2             0.00  [6 ] TO SC BT BR BT SA
           4cc6d            2            1             0.00  [5 ] TO SC BT BT AB
            4b6d            0            1             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR AB
            86cd            0            1             0.00  [4 ] TO BT SC SA
           8c6cd            1            0             0.00  [5 ] TO BT SC BT SA
             4bd            0            1             0.00  [3 ] TO BR AB
         8cbc66d            0            1             0.00  [7 ] TO SC SC BT BR BT SA
        8ccbc66d            0            1             0.00  [8 ] TO SC SC BT BR BT BT SA
                      500000       500000         0.77

Annular beam zenith 0.9,1 with radius 100mm accentuates skimmers

INFO:opticks.ana.evt:rx shape (500000, 10, 2, 4)
                      1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
                 8cd       252271       234626           639.45  [3 ] TO BT SA
                8ccd       117329       121978            90.32  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
                 7cd        79667        74423           178.46  [3 ] TO BT SD
                  4d        21673        21783             0.28  [2 ] TO AB

            8ccccbcd          215        10721         10092.91  [8 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT SA

                4ccd         8795         9246            11.27  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
                 8bd         6985         6500            17.44  [3 ] TO BR SA
                 4cd         5116         4919             3.87  [3 ] TO BT AB
                 86d         3623         3775             3.12  [3 ] TO SC SA

          ccccbccbcd            0         3632          3632.00  [10] TO BT BR BT BT BR BT BT BT BT
          cbccbccbcd            0         2448          2448.00  [10] TO BT BR BT BT BR BT BT BR BT

               86ccd         1415         1526             4.19  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
              8cbbcd            0          985           985.00  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA
            4ccccbcd            9          766           739.42  [8 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT AB
           8cccccbcd          599            0           599.00  [9 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT BT SA

Select skimmers with:

seqs=["TO BT BR BT BT BT BT SA"]
see 215/10721 from Opticks/CfG4

Note all the 10k CfG4 skimmers within ~0.4mm of radial range 96.71:97.1mm:

In [25]: a0r.shape, a0r.min(), a0r.max(), b0r.shape,  b0r.min(), b0r.max()

Focus on this range with zenith 0.9671,0.9709 radius 100mm See very differnt skimmer behavior within that annulus:

            1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
       8cd       348896            0        348896.00  [3 ] TO BT SA
  8ccccbcd            0       275990        275990.00  [8 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT SA
       7cd       110471            0        110471.00  [3 ] TO BT SD
ccccbccbcd            0        91652         91652.00  [10] TO BT BR BT BT BR BT BT BT BT
cbccbccbcd            0        61105         61105.00  [10] TO BT BR BT BT BR BT BT BR BT
        4d        22079        22258             0.72  [2 ] TO AB
  4ccccbcd            0        19812         19812.00  [8 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT AB
       4cd         6553         6596             0.14  [3 ] TO BT AB
       8bd         4545         3895            50.06  [3 ] TO BR SA
       86d         3681         3653             0.11  [3 ] TO SC SA
 86ccccbcd            0         3351          3351.00  [9 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT SC SA
cccccccbcd            1         3060          3057.00  [10] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT BT
      8ccd         2183         2182             0.00  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
  8ccbbbcd            0         1959          1959.00  [8 ] TO BT BR BR BR BT BT SA
   4cccbcd            0          966           966.00  [7 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT AB
      8c6d          489          420             5.24  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
In [28]: a0r.shape, a0r.min(), a0r.max(), b0r.shape,  b0r.min(), b0r.max()

After fixing photocathode shape (had omitted startTheta/deltaThera) get better agreement for the 0.9671,0.9709 radius 100mm skimmers. Note still some difference in reflection off Pyrex, maybe dont have same polarization distrib between Opticks/CFG4:

       1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
  8cd       348896       349456             0.45  [3 ] TO BT SA
  7cd       110471       110351             0.07  [3 ] TO BT SD
   4d        22079        22131             0.06  [2 ] TO AB
  4cd         6553         6534             0.03  [3 ] TO BT AB
  8bd         4545         4002            34.50  [3 ] TO BR SA
  86d         3681         3819             2.54  [3 ] TO SC SA
 8ccd         2183         2182             0.00  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
 8c6d          489          423             4.78  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
  4bd          351          333             0.47  [3 ] TO BR AB
  46d          219          219             0.00  [3 ] TO SC AB
 4ccd          139          153             0.67  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
 7c6d          136          138             0.01  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
 86bd           69           43             6.04  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
86ccd           42           26             3.76  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
 8b6d            5           42            29.13  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
8cc6d           38           41             0.11  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA

After match polarization, are left with “TO SC BR SA”. CFG4 is reflection prone after a scatter ? But borderline stats. This is still just for the skimmers:

              1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
         8cd       348896       349452             0.44  [3 ] TO BT SA
         7cd       110471       109961             1.18  [3 ] TO BT SD
          4d        22079        21915             0.61  [2 ] TO AB
         4cd         6553         6537             0.02  [3 ] TO BT AB
         8bd         4545         4643             1.05  [3 ] TO BR SA
         86d         3681         3571             1.67  [3 ] TO SC SA
        8ccd         2183         2202             0.08  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
        8c6d          489          513             0.57  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
         4bd          351          383             1.40  [3 ] TO BR AB
         46d          219          220             0.00  [3 ] TO SC AB
        4ccd          139          180             5.27  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
        7c6d          136          162             2.27  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
        86bd           69           59             0.78  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
       86ccd           42           30             2.00  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
        866d           41           38             0.11  [4 ] TO SC SC SA

        8b6d            5           40            27.22  [4 ] TO SC BR SA

       8cc6d           38           33             0.35  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
      8cbbcd            0           10             0.00  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA
   8cccccbcd            9            0             0.00  [9 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT BT SA
        86cd            1            7             0.00  [4 ] TO BT SC SA
       4bcd             0            1             0.00  [4 ] TO BT BR AB
      866ccd            1            1             0.00  [6 ] TO BT BT SC SC SA
                  500000       500000         2.65

Inner half zenith 0,0.5 still in agreement:

       1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
   8cd       363294       363351             0.00  [3 ] TO BT SA
   7cd       114962       114575             0.65  [3 ] TO BT SD
    4d        16924        17217             2.51  [2 ] TO AB
   86d         2798         2853             0.54  [3 ] TO SC SA
   4cd         1238         1214             0.23  [3 ] TO BT AB
  8c6d          381          390             0.11  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
   46d          181          165             0.74  [3 ] TO SC AB
  7c6d          110          125             0.96  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
   8bd           38           31             0.71  [3 ] TO BR SA
  866d           32           28             0.27  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
 8cc6d           28           23             0.49  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
  8b6d            3           16             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
  4c6d            4            2             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BT AB
 8c66d            3            2             0.00  [5 ] TO SC SC BT SA
  466d            0            2             0.00  [4 ] TO SC SC AB
 4cc6d            2            2             0.00  [5 ] TO SC BT BT AB
  4b6d            0            1             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR AB
 7c66d            0            1             0.00  [5 ] TO SC SC BT SD
8cbc6d            1            0             0.00  [6 ] TO SC BT BR BT SA
 8c6cd            1            1             0.00  [5 ] TO BT SC BT SA
   4bd            0            1             0.00  [3 ] TO BR AB
            500000       500000         0.66

Pushing out to 0,0.9 “TO AB” starting to go awry.:

          1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
     8cd       362427       362211             0.06  [3 ] TO BT SA
     7cd       114703       113770             3.81  [3 ] TO BT SD
      4d        17693        18680            26.78  [2 ] TO AB
     86d         2965         2916             0.41  [3 ] TO SC SA
     4cd         1379         1535             8.35  [3 ] TO BT AB
    8c6d          392          400             0.08  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
     46d          186          177             0.22  [3 ] TO SC AB
    7c6d          105          115             0.45  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
     8bd           73           92             2.19  [3 ] TO BR SA
    866d           33           25             1.10  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
   8cc6d           26           31             0.44  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
    8b6d            3           25             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
   8c66d            5            2             0.00  [5 ] TO SC SC BT SA
    4c6d            5            1             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BT AB
     4bd            0            5             0.00  [3 ] TO BR AB
   4cc6d            2            4             0.00  [5 ] TO SC BT BT AB
    86bd            0            3             0.00  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
    466d            0            2             0.00  [4 ] TO SC SC AB
  86cc6d            1            0             0.00  [6 ] TO SC BT BT SC SA
    4b6d            0            1             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR AB
  4cc66d            0            1             0.00  [6 ] TO SC SC BT BT AB
8cbc66bd            0            1             0.00  [8 ] TO BR SC SC BT BR BT SA
  8cbc6d            1            1             0.00  [6 ] TO SC BT BR BT SA
   8c6cd            1            1             0.00  [5 ] TO BT SC BT SA
   7c66d            0            1             0.00  [5 ] TO SC SC BT SD
              500000       500000         3.99
94.995 97.005 94.995 97.005
                  1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
             8cd       352957       353582             0.55  [3 ] TO BT SA
             7cd       111793       111427             0.60  [3 ] TO BT SD
              4d        21816        21692             0.35  [2 ] TO AB
             4cd         5273         5198             0.54  [3 ] TO BT AB
             86d         3643         3594             0.33  [3 ] TO SC SA
             8bd         3299         3229             0.75  [3 ] TO BR SA
            8c6d          482          474             0.07  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
             4bd          221          275             5.88  [3 ] TO BR AB
             46d          219          195             1.39  [3 ] TO SC AB
            7c6d          133          157             1.99  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
            86bd           50           42             0.70  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
            866d           41           40             0.01  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
           8cc6d           35           25             1.67  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
            8b6d            5           34            21.56  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
            4b6d            0            5             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR AB
         8cbc66d            0            1             0.00  [7 ] TO SC SC BT BR BT SA
         4ccc6bd            1            0             0.00  [7 ] TO BR SC BT BT BT AB
                      500000       500000         2.60

Not too bad all way out to 97mm:

0.000 97.002  0.117 97.004
                  1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
             8cd       361978       361339             0.56  [3 ] TO BT SA
             7cd       114537       113731             2.85  [3 ] TO BT SD
              4d        17934        18876            24.11  [2 ] TO AB
             86d         3021         3015             0.01  [3 ] TO SC SA
             4cd         1571         1869            25.82  [3 ] TO BT AB
            8c6d          390          415             0.78  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
             8bd          184          330            41.47  [3 ] TO BR SA
             46d          185          198             0.44  [3 ] TO SC AB
            7c6d          104          102             0.02  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
            866d           33           27             0.60  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
             4bd           20           30             2.00  [3 ] TO BR AB
           8cc6d           22           20             0.10  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
            8b6d            2           18             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
           8666d            0            1             0.00  [5 ] TO SC SC SC SA
                      500000       500000         8.23

Goes belly up beyond 97mm:

96.995 100.005 96.995 100.005
             1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
       8ccd       391394       391429             0.00  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
       4ccd        29418        29306             0.21  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
         4d        22602        22571             0.02  [2 ] TO AB
        8bd        18671        19186             7.01  [3 ] TO BR SA
        8cd        10338        10116             2.41  [3 ] TO BT SA
        4cd         7554         7510             0.13  [3 ] TO BT AB
      86ccd         4602         4626             0.06  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
        86d         3762         3729             0.15  [3 ] TO SC SA
        7cd         3233         3181             0.42  [3 ] TO BT SD
        4bd         1811         1662             6.39  [3 ] TO BR AB

 Reordered to put discrepants together,
 looks like edge geometry difference between Opticks analytic and CfG4
 is culprit.

 3598 G4 skimmers do a double internal reflect in Pyrex
 that puts them on path to transmit out and miss the
 rest of the PMT  "TO BT BR BR BT SA"

 Opticks analytic somehow manages to transmit after the 1st reflect
 leading to a path "TO BT BR BT BT BT BT SA" with many varying BT
 May be material bug... need to get material codes going in CFG4.

     8cbbcd            0         3598          3598.00  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA

   8ccccbcd          762            0           762.00  [8 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT SA
  8cccccbcd         1885            0          1885.00  [9 ] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT BT SA
 8ccccccbcd          746            0           746.00  [10] TO BT BR BT BT BT BT BT BT SA

   8ccc6ccd          386            2           380.04  [8 ] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT SA
 8ccccc6ccd          159            1           156.03  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT SA
 cccccc6ccd          191          259            10.28  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT BT

   8cbc6ccd           26          307           237.12  [8 ] TO BT BT SC BT BR BT SA
     8c6ccd           20          296           241.06  [6 ] TO BT BT SC BT SA

       8c6d          509          440             5.02  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
      46ccd          275          310             2.09  [5 ] TO BT BT SC AB
       86bd          287          271             0.46  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
        46d          223          224             0.00  [3 ] TO SC AB
     4cbbcd            0          211           211.00  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT AB
       7c6d          140          160             1.33  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
    8cc6ccd           77           77             0.00  [7 ] TO BT BT SC BT BT SA
                 500000       500000       217.45

To see whats happening need to viz the real geometry (not triangulated standins) together with the photon paths. With Opticks that is difficult but probably not impossible:

  • compositing OptiX rendered analytic geometry together with OpenGL lines, see optix- for notes on compositing

With Geant4 its probably impossible as only way to draw real geometry (not triangulated standins) is with the G4RayTracer which doesnt do photon paths.

After TIR bug fix

Point beam at skimmer position (tag 5) in better agreement (maybe low level scatter difference remains):

98.999 98.999
98.999 98.999
                 5:PmtInBox   -5:PmtInBox           c2
           8ccd       404485       404018             0.27  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
           4ccd        30537        30458             0.10  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
             4d        22743        23066             2.28  [2 ] TO AB
            8bd        18353        18369             0.01  [3 ] TO BR SA
            4cd         6282         6265             0.02  [3 ] TO BT AB
          86ccd         4790         4865             0.58  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
         8cbbcd         4157         4280             1.79  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA
            86d         3709         3725             0.03  [3 ] TO SC SA
            4bd         1575         1672             2.90  [3 ] TO BR AB
           8c6d          529          506             0.51  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
       8cbc6ccd          497          301            48.14  [8 ] TO BT BT SC BT BR BT SA
          46ccd          271          327             5.24  [5 ] TO BT BT SC AB
         8c6ccd            0          295           295.00  [6 ] TO BT BT SC BT SA
         4cbbcd          292          287             0.04  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT AB
           86bd          290          257             1.99  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
            46d          221          209             0.33  [3 ] TO SC AB
     cccccc6ccd          134          219            20.47  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT BT
           7c6d          157          178             1.32  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
     8ccccc6ccd          147            0           147.00  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT SA
           4bcd           84           68             1.68  [4 ] TO BT BR AB
        8cc6ccd           67           77             0.69  [7 ] TO BT BT SC BT BT SA
          4bbcd           58           54             0.14  [5 ] TO BT BR BR AB
         866ccd           58           53             0.23  [6 ] TO BT BT SC SC SA
      8ccbbbbcd            0           54            54.00  [9 ] TO BT BR BR BR BR BT BT SA
          8cc6d           53           45             0.65  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
     cbccbbbbcd           53            0            53.00  [10] TO BT BR BR BR BR BT BT BR BT
           8b6d           46           38             0.76  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
        86cbbcd           40           36             0.21  [7 ] TO BT BR BR BT SC SA
           866d           37           39             0.05  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
         8b6ccd           26           37             1.92  [6 ] TO BT BT SC BR SA
       4cbc6ccd           34           20             3.63  [8 ] TO BT BT SC BT BR BT AB
     bbbbcc6ccd           25            0             0.00  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BR BR BR BR
           46bd           21           16             0.68  [4 ] TO BR SC AB

Geant4 viz

Attempt to get G4 vis operational to check the geometry

TODO: hookup G4DAE so can export and check the COLLADA

  • circularity of this is interesting as can then run Opticks running on 2nd generation geometry
  • also visualization with my tools is much better than G4

Material Debug

Opticks reflection “TO BR SA” has material assignment “MO MO”, hmm would be useful to see the seqmat for a choice of seqhis. CFG4 reflection

Agreement out to 97mm now includes material history:

0.000 97.002
0.117 97.004
                  1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
             8cd       361978       361339             0.56  [3 ] TO BT SA
             7cd       114537       113731             2.85  [3 ] TO BT SD
              4d        17934        18876            24.11  [2 ] TO AB
             86d         3021         3015             0.01  [3 ] TO SC SA
             4cd         1571         1869            25.82  [3 ] TO BT AB
            8c6d          390          415             0.78  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
             8bd          184          330            41.47  [3 ] TO BR SA
             46d          185          198             0.44  [3 ] TO SC AB
            7c6d          104          102             0.02  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
            866d           33           27             0.60  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
             4bd           20           30             2.00  [3 ] TO BR AB
           8cc6d           22           20             0.10  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
            8b6d            2           18             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
            86bd            4            7             0.00  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
           8c66d            4            4             0.00  [5 ] TO SC SC BT SA
            4c6d            2            4             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BT AB
            4b6d            0            3             0.00  [4 ] TO SC BR AB
            466d            0            3             0.00  [4 ] TO SC SC AB
          8cbc6d            3            2             0.00  [6 ] TO SC BT BR BT SA
           4cc6d            2            2             0.00  [5 ] TO SC BT BT AB
         8cbc6bd            0            1             0.00  [7 ] TO BR SC BT BR BT SA
          86cc6d            1            1             0.00  [6 ] TO SC BT BT SC SA
            76cd            0            1             0.00  [4 ] TO BT SC SD
      8cccccc6bd            0            1             0.00  [10] TO BR SC BT BT BT BT BT BT SA
           8c6cd            1            0             0.00  [5 ] TO BT SC BT SA
      bbbbbbbc6d            1            0             0.00  [10] TO SC BT BR BR BR BR BR BR BR
         8ccbc6d            1            0             0.00  [7 ] TO SC BT BR BT BT SA
           8666d            0            1             0.00  [5 ] TO SC SC SC SA
                      500000       500000         8.23

                  1:PmtInBox   -1:PmtInBox           c2
             ee4       478088       476939             1.38  [3 ] MO Py Py
              44        17934        18876            24.11  [2 ] MO MO
             444         3408         3573             3.90  [3 ] MO MO MO
            ee44          481          521             1.60  [4 ] MO MO Py Py
            4444           54           58             0.14  [4 ] MO MO MO MO
           44e44           24           22             0.09  [5 ] MO MO Py MO MO
           ee444            4            4             0.00  [5 ] MO MO MO Py Py
          44ee44            3            2             0.00  [6 ] MO MO Py Py MO MO
         44eee44            1            0             0.00  [7 ] MO MO Py Py Py MO MO
      eeeeeeee44            1            0             0.00  [10] MO MO Py Py Py Py Py Py Py Py
         44ee444            0            1             0.00  [7 ] MO MO MO Py Py MO MO
      44e5dbe444            0            1             0.00  [10] MO MO MO Py OV Vm Bk Py MO MO
           44444            0            1             0.00  [5 ] MO MO MO MO MO
           44ee4            1            0             0.00  [5 ] MO Py Py MO MO
          444e44            1            1             0.00  [6 ] MO MO Py MO MO MO
            eee4            0            1             0.00  [4 ] MO Py Py Py
                      500000       500000         5.20

CFG4 skimmer Double Reflect, FIXED Opticks TIR bug

  • relocate to graphics/ggeoview/issues/cfg4_pmt_edge_double_reflect

After fix the PMT edge is agreeing rather well:

96.995 100.005
96.995 100.005
                   2:PmtInBox   -2:PmtInBox           c2
             8ccd       391394       391429             0.00  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
             4ccd        29418        29306             0.21  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
               4d        22602        22571             0.02  [2 ] TO AB
              8bd        18671        19186             7.01  [3 ] TO BR SA
              8cd        10338        10116             2.41  [3 ] TO BT SA
              4cd         7554         7510             0.13  [3 ] TO BT AB
            86ccd         4602         4626             0.06  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
              86d         3762         3729             0.15  [3 ] TO SC SA
           8cbbcd         3462         3598             2.62  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA
              7cd         3233         3181             0.42  [3 ] TO BT SD
              4bd         1811         1662             6.39  [3 ] TO BR AB
             8c6d          484          440             2.10  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
         8cbc6ccd          477          307            36.86  [8 ] TO BT BT SC BT BR BT SA
            46ccd          275          310             2.09  [5 ] TO BT BT SC AB
           8c6ccd            1          296           293.01  [6 ] TO BT BT SC BT SA
             86bd          287          271             0.46  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
       cccccc6ccd          129          259            43.56  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT BT
           4cbbcd          251          211             3.46  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT AB
              46d          223          224             0.00  [3 ] TO SC AB
             7c6d          140          160             1.33  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
       8ccccc6ccd          138            1           135.03  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT SA
          8cc6ccd           67           77             0.69  [7 ] TO BT BT SC BT BT SA
             4bcd           68           50             2.75  [4 ] TO BT BR AB
           866ccd           55           59             0.14  [6 ] TO BT BT SC SC SA
            4bbcd           51           42             0.87  [5 ] TO BT BR BR AB
             866d           42           33             1.08  [4 ] TO SC SC SA

Full range not so good ? EXPLAINED : disc/disclin mismatch

Curious going full range 0:1 worse than would expect from pieces:

NFO:opticks.ana.evt:rx shape (500000, 10, 2, 4)
 0.000 100.004
 0.187 100.004
                      4:PmtInBox   -4:PmtInBox           c2
                 8cd       351558       340273           184.08  [3 ] TO BT SA
                 7cd       111189       107251            70.99  [3 ] TO BT SD
                8ccd        11661        23260          3852.60  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
                  4d        18047        19048            27.01  [2 ] TO AB
                 86d         3040         3133             1.40  [3 ] TO SC SA
                 4cd         1736         2249            66.04  [3 ] TO BT AB
                4ccd          884         1732           274.89  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
                 8bd          742         1455           231.39  [3 ] TO BR SA
                8c6d          375          424             3.01  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
               86ccd          140          260            36.00  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
                 46d          187          215             1.95  [3 ] TO SC AB
              8cbbcd           90          213            49.93  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA
                7c6d          103          132             3.58  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
                 4bd           63          125            20.45  [3 ] TO BR AB
                866d           33           38             0.35  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
               8cc6d           28           29             0.02  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
            8cbc6ccd           20           22             0.10  [8 ] TO BT BT SC BT BR BT SA
                8b6d           21           20             0.02  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
               46ccd            8           19             0.00  [5 ] TO BT BT SC AB
                86bd           15           16             0.03  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
              8c6ccd            0           16             0.00  [6 ] TO BT BT SC BT SA
              4cbbcd           12            9             0.00  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT AB

Radial distrib of “TO BT BT SA” looks same for both. Too large a difference, must be migration from “TO BT SA”. Comparing those note different radial distrib

  • flat in r for (Op)
  • linear in r for CfG4, from 0 at center to twice Op at 100mm

Maybe a difference of Annular and Circle regarding position distrib ? Nope tried using 0.0001,1 to use Annular for cicle and still getting the same.

Aha, using disc for Op and disclin for CfG4 gets agreement, TODO:fix CSource bug?:

1.005 100.004
0.187 100.004
                  4:PmtInBox   -4:PmtInBox           c2
             8cd       340271       340273             0.00  [3 ] TO BT SA
             7cd       107598       107251             0.56  [3 ] TO BT SD
            8ccd        23217        23260             0.04  [4 ] TO BT BT SA
              4d        18866        19048             0.87  [2 ] TO AB
             86d         3179         3133             0.34  [3 ] TO SC SA
             4cd         2204         2249             0.45  [3 ] TO BT AB
            4ccd         1696         1732             0.38  [4 ] TO BT BT AB
             8bd         1446         1455             0.03  [3 ] TO BR SA
            8c6d          382          424             2.19  [4 ] TO SC BT SA
           86ccd          260          260             0.00  [5 ] TO BT BT SC SA
             46d          197          215             0.79  [3 ] TO SC AB
          8cbbcd          190          213             1.31  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT SA
             4bd          132          125             0.19  [3 ] TO BR AB
            7c6d          111          132             1.81  [4 ] TO SC BT SD
            866d           35           38             0.12  [4 ] TO SC SC SA
           8cc6d           31           29             0.07  [5 ] TO SC BT BT SA
        8cbc6ccd           31           22             1.53  [8 ] TO BT BT SC BT BR BT SA
            8b6d           26           20             0.78  [4 ] TO SC BR SA
          4cbbcd           24            9             6.82  [6 ] TO BT BR BR BT AB
            86bd           19           16             0.26  [4 ] TO BR SC SA
           46ccd           17           19             0.11  [5 ] TO BT BT SC AB
          8c6ccd            0           16             0.00  [6 ] TO BT BT SC BT SA
      cccccc6ccd            6           12             0.00  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT BT
      8ccccc6ccd            7            0             0.00  [10] TO BT BT SC BT BT BT BT BT SA
      cbccbbbbcd            7            0             0.00  [10] TO BT BR BR BR BR BT BT BR BT