Geometry Cache

Parsing large XML geometry files can be timeconsuming. In order to avoid this repeatedly paying this expense all geometry data is serialized into NPY and txt files within the geocache. These buffers can subsequently be loaded from file and directly copied to the GPU.

Setting IDPATH

Each detector geometry or selection applied to a detector geometry has a separate geocache stored within the IDPATH directory. Opticks launches end by outputting messages like the below:

# geocache directory corresponding to OPTICKS_ARGS --dpib --tracer
export IDPATH=/usr/local/opticks/opticksdata/export/dpib/cfg4.d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.dae

# geocache directory corresponding to OPTICKS_ARGS --jpmt --tracer
export IDPATH=/usr/local/opticks/opticksdata/export/juno/test3.fcc8b4dc9474af8826b29bf172452160.dae

# geocache directory corresponding to OPTICKS_ARGS --dyb --tracer
export IDPATH=/usr/local/opticks/opticksdata/export/DayaBay_VGDX_20140414-1300/g4_00.96ff965744a2f6b78c24e33c80d3a4cd.dae

The IDPATH identifies the geocache directory corresponding to the geometry selected by the arguments. Opticks python analysis scripts require the IDPATH to be set in order to access geometry data.

Copy/paste the export lines into your .bash_profile prior to using python analysis scripts.

PropLib : Geocache Access is a simple example of a python script accessing the geocache.

Structure of the geocache

All geometry data including material and surface properties is serialized in the geocache:

simon:~ blyth$ cd /usr/local/opticks/opticksdata/export/juno/test3.fcc8b4dc9474af8826b29bf172452160.dae
simon:test3.fcc8b4dc9474af8826b29bf172452160.dae blyth$ find .