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(Master theses)
(Master theses)
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|Senatore, Gloria
|[[:File:Tesi_magistrale_Gloria_Senatore.pdf|Boosting the reactor ν signal in the JUNO experiment: data selection with a machine learning approach
|University of Milan
|Re, Alessandra; Basilico, Davide

Revision as of 09:49, 8 March 2024

PhD theses

Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Piñeres Rico, Luis Felipe Track reconstruction for the Top Tracker of the JUNO Neutrino experiment (https://theses.fr/2022STRAE030) English IPHC, Strasbourg University Dracos, Marcos
Xie, Zhangquan Research and development of key detection technologies of the TAO experiment Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS Cao, Jun
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Liu, Yan Studies of Deep Learning Based Muon Reconstruction and Correlated Data Analysis Software for the JUNO Experiment Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS Li,Weidong
Cao, Chuanya Study of small PMT performance and associated physics at JUNO Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics He, Miao
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Qian, Xiaohui Acrylic Structure Design and Key Process Research of Central Detector for Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS Zhu, Zian
Zhang, Yan Simulation of JUNO central detector Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS Heng, Yuekun
Wei, Lianghong Reactor neutrino experiment background and reconstructionstudy Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS Cao, Jun
Xu, Yu Machine learning application in low energy liquid scintillator neutrino experiment

DOI: 10.18154/RWTH-2020-12064

English RWTH Aachen University Ludhova, Livia
Kampmann, Philipp Energy scale non-linearity and event reconstruction for the neutrino mass ordering measurement of the JUNO experiment

DOI: 10.18154/RWTH-2020-11583

English RWTH Aachen University Ludhova, Livia
Hackspacher, Paul Christian Determination of Liquid Scintillator Purity for the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory English Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Wurm, Michael
Depnering, Wilfried Walter Scintillation Light Transport In The Large Reactor Antineutrino Detector JUNO English Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Wurm, Michael
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Li, Nan R&D of JUNO central detector and some studies for SPMT system Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Heng, Yuekun
Wang, Yaoguang Phenomenological and experimental studies on problems in neutrino detections Chinese WuHan Unviersity Jia,Junji;Wen,Liangjian
Wu, Wenjie Neutrino Oscillation Analysis of Daya Bay Experiment and Energy Measurement Studies of JUNO Experiment Chinese WuHan Unviersity Qiao ,Haoxue; Zhou ,Xiang; He, Miao
Genster, Christoph Software and hardware development for the next-generation liquid scintillator detectors JUNO and OSIRIS

DOI: 10.18154/RWTH-2019-11430 (local copy)

English RWTH Aachen University Ludhova, Livia
Huang, Qinhua On the way to the determination of the Neutrino Mass English LLR & IPHC Drapier, Olivier + Dracos, Marcos
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Luo, Fengjiao Optimization of JUNO PMT output signal and its effects on the performances of the central detector Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS Chen,Yuanbo;Heng,Yuekun
Zhang, Kun Study of Muon Reconstruction in Central Detector for JUNO Experiment Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Li, Weidong
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Lei, Xiangcui Some study of the Central Detector in JUNO Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Heng, Yuekun
Lin, Tao Study of Simulation Framework and Fast Muon Simulation for JUNO experiment Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Li,Weidong; Deng,Ziyan
Loo, Kai Extending Physics Potential of Large Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detectors (local copy) English University of Jyvaskyla, Finland Trzaska, Wladyslaw Henryk ; Maalampi, Jukka

Master theses

Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Senatore, Gloria [[:File:Tesi_magistrale_Gloria_Senatore.pdf|Boosting the reactor ν signal in the JUNO experiment: data selection with a machine learning approach English University of Milan Re, Alessandra; Basilico, Davide
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Percalli, Elisa Sensitivity of the JUNO experiment to neutrino mass ordering English University of Milan Caccianiga, Barbara; Basilico, Davide
Reina, Gioele The SHELDON-REWIND project: optical characterization of the JUNO liquid scintillator for the neutrino mass ordering determination English University of Milan Re, Alessandra; Beretta, Marco
Malabarba, Marco Impact of the liquid scintillator optical properties on the JUNO detector response for the neutrino mass ordering determination English University of Milan Re, Alessandra; Basilico, Davide
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Qian, Zhen Study of machine learning based reconstruction and Geometry Management System in JUNO Chinese Sun Yat-sen University You, Zhengyun
Beretta, Marco Improved measurement of timing and optical properties of the JUNO scintillator English University of Milan Ferraro, Federico; Basilico, Davide
Meraviglia, Anita Sensitivity to 7Be, pep and CNO solar neutrinos detection with the JUNO experiment English University of Milan Re, Alessandra; Ludhova, Livia; Basilico, Davide
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Zhang, Shu Research on Dynamic Geometry Information Sharing for Liquid-based Detectors and Design of JUNO Data Quality Monitoring System Chinese Sun Yat-sen University You, Zhengyun
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Yi, Peihuai Fast Muon Simulation on GPU for the JUNO Experiment Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Li, Weidong
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Zhu, Jiang Graphics-based deep learning for truth information reconstruction in experimental data processing Chinese Sun Yat-sen University You, Zhengyun
Student Title Language Affiliation Supervisor
Li, Kaijie Design and Application of Geometry Management System in JUNO Offline Software Chinese Sun Yat-sen University You, Zhengyun
Wang, Gang Study and design of the JUNO 3 inch PMT divider Chinese Nanhua University Li,Xiaohua;Heng,Yuekun
Zhao, Baoqi MPI-based Software Framework for Distributed Data Processing at the JUNO Experiment Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics CAS Li, Weidong
Chen, Sisi Research of Data Transfer System for Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS Li, Weidong
Shah, Rikhav Studies on the Trigger Configuration for the JUNO experiment English RWTH Aachen University Ludhova, Livia